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Monday, April 20, 2015

Acoustic Musicians Wanted for 2015 First Friday Season in Skippack Village

Skippack Announces New Format For 2015 First Friday

DATES: May through December

LOCATION: Skippack Village, PA 19474

It's a new year and the Merchants of Skippack Association First Friday Committee is seeking new and established musicians to be a part of our line-up this year. Our theme is "Make It a Date Night" with an emphasis on world music and art.

We seek a diverse range of cultural expression and musical style, some of which include:
  • Guitar, dulcimer, harp, keyboard, vocal, violin, cello, woodwind, brass, drum, etc.
  • Rock-a-Billy to Folk, Classical to Jazz, Country to Celtic, Blues to Reggae
  • Solo and Group Ensembles

Acoustic instruments are preferred with amplification where required (ex. Keyboards and microphones) only for majority of locations. Standard stage equipment is necessary for Headliner Band only.

First time performers are non-paying positions. Opportunities for ongoing positions are available pending following and performance evaluation by public.

Performers may sell cd's, approved marketing material, and busk* for tips to help further their exposure and recognition.

Over the years, Skippack Village has gained recognition for its First Friday arts and entertainment venue and this year we invite you to play a part in its cultural diversity.

WHEN: Held on the first Friday of every month, May through December (outdoor), November and December (indoor/outdoor), 6 -9pm (end time may vary)

APPLY:  Email us at or call (267) 416-6192.

* Busk (verb): To busk or busking is the practice of performing in public places for tips and gratuities.

Follow First Fridays in Skippack Village on Facebook and Twitter.

Green Wolf's Village Barn Shoppes
In the East Village of Skippack
4010 Skippack Pike (map)
Skippack, Pennsylvania 19474

Proud members of the
Merchants of Skippack Association
The Valley Forge Tourism and Convention Board
#skippackvillage     #makeitmontco     #phillytowns