It was difficult road finding a way to express myself since writing is not a strong point. Over the years I made attempts at other mediums, pastels, stained glass, and wood. It was not until December of 2013 that I found painting. I have a very bright and open morning room and decided that I wanted a blue sky with realistic clouds on the ceiling, but for that I had to learn to paint, so I asked for an easel for Christmas. I spent the next few weeks figuring out brushes, brush strokes, blending, how the paint reacts to each other, and different mediums. In the beginning of February I prepared the ceiling and painted it blue. Then the day I was to begin the clouds I had a tragic accident, I fell off a ladder at work and had a 60lb cat tree land on me. I hurt my shoulder, face, neck, leg, and back, and to this day I still can't hold my left arm up for any amount of time and am not allowed to climb. The positive in all this is that I found a way not just to express myself, but a way people could see the world as I do with my rose colored glasses.
My work focuses on the environment and the world around us. I have always spent a great deal of time ‘staring into space’, the reality was that I have been observing the world, specifically nature. Looking at photos for inspiration once I get an idea I sketch it out on the canvas in a very basic way only a few lines. I love to work with acrylic paint because for its quick drying speed. I like the do a lot layering and the speed of drying is necessary for that all of my paintings this far consist of no less the 5 layer. With oil paint it would take over a year for each painting.
In my most resent painting I chose to include architectural detail in order to give it more depth. I did find it particularly challenging making sure the detentions showed the depth I was looking to achieve. The next few I'll be doing will be smaller. My goal is to attempt an even more impressionistic style. I have several shows coming up for 2015 as well as interest from a well-known gallery in NY that will hopefully be booked for 2016.” – Sarah Iannozzi
Show Dates: April 3 – 26, 2016
Green Wolf's Village Barn Shoppes
In the East Village of Skippack
4010 Skippack Pike (map)
Skippack, Pennsylvania 19474
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Merchants of Skippack Association
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The Valley Forge Tourism and Convention Board
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